
Personal Trainers


Our coaches go through a rigorous training period before they began training clients.

By the time they’re working with clients, they’ve done more than just a weekend course that tells them they’re now certified to personal train—as is the case with many personal trainers and coaches today.

Our apprentice coaches spend months shadowing instructors before they start working with their own clients. Through connections with BodyLab, they pursue continued education seminars, though. They’re required to write tests through the online school, on subjects ranging from anatomy to exercise physiology to coaching cues and nutrition. They’re also tested via practical exams.


We want to ensure that your coaches are experts when it comes to fitness and strength and conditioning and nutrition.

The same way getting fit takes time – so does learning how to coach. By the time your coach starts working with you, he/she is a knowledgeable fitness professional.

Further, our system is designed so coaches can become career coaches with the ability to make a professional living in the industry. This means, the same way many people seek a consistent family doctor and accountant for life, our clients have the opportunity to develop a relationship with a coach for life—to manage their health and well-being.


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